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Our Board is an elected body of parents, an elected staff rep and our Principal. Together we represent the Taramoa Strathmore School community. The Board sets our strategic direction in consultation with parents, staff and students. We have adopted the SchoolDocs policy framework. The Board is responsible for reviewing policies and for ensure that procedures are developed to ensure these policies are upheld.
The Board ensures that Taramoa Strathmore School is a safe place to be, a learning to place to be, and a place where education and environment are of a high standard.
The Taramoa Strathmore School Board is:
Akarere Henry
Presiding Member
Robert Wehipeihana
Desiree Morunga
Parent Representative, Finance
Karley Rawiri
Parent Representative
Neville Takiri
Ngere Povaru-Oruamai
Noa Tereu
Parent Representative
Parent Representative
Staff Representative
Tumuaki ~ Acting Principal
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